16 Scholarships found in Scholarships
British Caymanian Insurance Company Limited (CG BritCay)
The CG BritCay Insurance Scholarship has a maximum value of US$25,000 p.a. for up to two (2) years towards tuition, books, accommodation, airfare and meals. Caymanians or permanent residents with a minimum GPA of 3.0 or higher, who are undergraduate ...
Butterfield Undergraduate Scholarship
Butterfield Bank (Cayman) LimitedButterfield Undergraduate Scholarship
Campbells Undergraduate Scholarship
CampbellsUp to US$20,000 per annum for a maximum of three years, with preference given to applicants pursuing a degree in law or a postgraduate professional legal qualification.
Carey Olsen Scholarship Programme - Undergraduate
Carey OlsenCarey Olsen Scholarship Programme - Undergraduate
Insurance Managers Association of Cayman Educational Scholarship Fund
Insurance Managers Association of Cayman Educational Scholarship Fund
Rawlinson & Hunter Scholarship Programme
Rawlinson & Hunter LimitedRawlinson & Hunter Limited Cayman
William A. Dart Memorial Scholarship
DartAs part of Dart's commitment to developing Cayman's next generation of leaders, this bond-free scholarship is awarded to students to pursue a bachelor's degree at an accredited overseas institution. In addition, scholars receive exceptional opportuni...
Showing 1-16 of 16 Results