15 Scholarships found in Scholarships

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BPW Corine Thompson Memorial (General Studies)

BPW Corine Thompson Memorial (General Studies)

BPW Trade School Scholarship Programme

BPW Trade School Scholarship Programme


Cayman International School - Cayman Citizen Scholarship Program

95 Minerva Drive Grand Cayman KY1, 1206, Cayman Islands

The purpose of the CIS Caymanian Citizen Scholarship program is to provide further opportunities at CIS for students of Caymanian Citizenship who are not currently enrolled at CIS. The CIS Caymanian Citizenship Scholarship is to attract qualified stu...

CUC A Level Scholarship

Caribbean Utilities Company, Ltd. (CUC)

CUC is proud to offer a scholarship for Caymanian students seeking to pursue Advanced Level (A level) studies at a local high school.

HSM Scholarship Fund


HSM Scholarship Fund

Insurance Managers Association of Cayman Educational Scholarship Fund

Insurance Managers Association of Cayman Educational Scholarship Fund

Investing In Caymanian Students

Greenlight Re

Monetary assistance is granted to Caymanian students who wish to further their post high school education in any field of study.

Maples Group Non-Legal Scholarship

Maples Group Non-Legal Scholarship

Ministry of Education - Education Teaching Scholarship

Ministry of Education - Education Teaching Scholarship

Ministry of Education - Standard Local Scholarship

Education Council c/o Ministry of Education

Ministry of Education - Standard Local Scholarship

Ministry of Education - Standard Overseas Post Graduate Scholarship

Education Council c/o Ministry of Education

Ministry of Education - Standard Overseas Post Graduate Scholarship

Ministry of Education - Standard Overseas TVET Grant

Education Council c/o Ministry of Education

Ministry of Education - Standard Overseas TVET Grant

Ministry of Education - Standard Overseas Undergraduate Scholarship

Education Council c/o Ministry of Education

Ministry of Education - Standard Overseas Undergraduate Scholarship

The Thomson Leadership and Innovation Award Scholarship

Caribbean Utilities Company, Ltd. (CUC)

The scholarship is designed to recruit and support Caymanian students who are driven to improve the Cayman Islands in areas including, but not limited to, entrepreneurial studies, emerging technologies, design and creative arts and/or the sciences. y...

William A. Dart Memorial Scholarship


As part of Dart's commitment to developing Cayman's next generation of leaders, this bond-free scholarship is awarded to students to pursue a bachelor's degree at an accredited overseas institution. In addition, scholars receive exceptional opportuni...

Showing 1-15 of 15 Results